Lindsay Point handicap
20th Sep, 2015

1st Mick  Gary
2nd Peter Weston
3rd Lee Stevens
4th & FT Mathew Benson
5th Angelo Yilia
6th Ruth Strout
First to go was peter Ruth and Angelo
2 mins later was Mick 5 min mark was Lee and at the 13 min mark was matt .
Mick caught the the three at around the 12 k mark and Lee managed the round them all up
at the 20 k mark . All worked well together until the pace finally cracked Ruth and was
spat out the back like a kid eating a Brussel sprout . Mick and lee had to keep the
pace high with Matty breathing down there neck , at the 5 k mark Angelo was the next
the go and the race was getting hot . Mick saw the line and went for it with Pete
Weston not far back with Lee and Matty making huge ground up only 1 min behind the
leader , Angelo was next to come in crossing the line like a Clydesdale In the
Melbourne cup with Ruth a few min later .