Winkie Handicap
26th Jul, 2015
Not a good turn out on a fairly cold and windy day. All riders finding the head wind a bit trying on the back road. Unfortunately with the handicapper being away a rush handicapping was performed which was slightly out. All the riders except Gordon Lawton rode 50kms  with Lawton doing 40kms on a timed distance handicap. Clayton Bond and father Terry were first off followed by Lee Rasheed, Dennis Robinson, Glen O'brien group then Gordon Lawton and Matthew Benson being off scratch. First to fall was Terry Bond with stitch problems then Lawton was caught just before starting his second lap by Rasheed, Robinson, O'Brien and Clayton Bond hanging on. Matthew Benson putting in a magnificent effort caught this group soon after and only Lee Rasheed was able to catch on to his wheel. Eventually Benson left Rasheed to take out the win. The sprint for third place was very close with Bond just beating Robinson by a fraction of a wheel with O'Brien very close behind.

1st Matthew Benson (Fastest time)

2nd Lee Rasheed

3rd Clayton Bond

4th Dennis Robinson

5th Glen O'Brien

DNF Gordon Lawton

DNF Terry Bond